Saturday, January 02, 2010

A yeasty* new year

One of the resolutions I've made frequently over the years is to make more bread. This is a way of keeping in touch with food, and with family history, as well as a kind of meditative practice. Of late, I've been reading the labels of commercial bread more carefully and have been dismayed at all the unnecessary stuff that goes into bread. But with many such resolutions, it quickly falls by the wayside. I'm not labelling more bread-making as a resolution for 2010, but I did bake bread yesterday, and to do so I had to open a very large package of yeast I had in the pantry. I can't remember exactly what caused me to buy such a large amount of yeast (last year's resolution?) but I will have to bake a lot of bread to use it up!

Also, the most recent issue of Saveur put me onto the website freshloaf, a good resource. I'll need to get more flour before my next loaf.

* I find it interesting that "yeasty" can mean both "creative" and "frivolous".


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