The Carbon Footprint of Presidential Candidates
I admit I didn't participate in any National Day of Climate Action activities, but this post is my gesture in that direction. I've often thought that it would be nice to find out the carbon footprint of the presidential candidates, and the carbon footprint of their campaigns. A bit of googling did not yield a handy website where someone else has done this, unfortunately. Edwards, Clinton, and Obama appear to have proclaimed their campaigns carbon neutral. They also all get good marks for environmental policy, as do a couple of other Democratic candidates. Not surprisingly, Republican candidates get lower marks. I do find myself wanting more specifics on their environmental commitment, and making public a carbon footprint would be one way of doing so. I know these are people who live in big houses and fly planes everywhere, but it would be useful to know where they stood, and how accountable each candidate was willing to be. A giant house is different from a giant house with carbon offsets purchased, and different again from a giant house powered by solar or wind energy. This should be one of the most important issues of the 2008 election, and it is also the rare issue where candidates can begin demonstrating what they would do now.
(By the way, it appears only Edwards actually attended a Day of Climate Action event.)
(By the way, it appears only Edwards actually attended a Day of Climate Action event.)
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